
Waves Behavioral Health

Waves Behavioral Health is committed to assisting you on your journey towards wellness. Waves
Behavioral Health is inclusive of all individuals and provides a supportive environment for those of all
ages, disabilities, financial status, cultural and LGBTQ+ populations.

The waves of the ocean can have ups and downs, storms, and lulls. At times in life, and due to many
stressors, you or those you love, may struggle with these ups and downs too. Support from your
therapist at Waves Behavioral Health can help. You and your therapist will develop healthy strategies to
overcome life’s stressors. You will build tools that will help you process and work through your trauma.
You will develop new healthy coping skills. Waves Behavioral Health is eager to work with you on your
journey to health and wellness. We are here to support you as you invest in a healthier, happier, and
healed you!